Howard is authorized to conduct Practical Tests (check rides) for Sport Pilot, Private Pilot and Commercial Pilot Certificates (Airplane Single Engine Land, Airplane Multiengine Land and Airplane Single Engine Sea), for the Airline Transport Pilot Certificate (Airplane Multiengine Land), for the Airplane Instrument Rating, for Certified Flight Instructor Certificate (Initial, Renewal and Reinstatement) and for additional Airplane Single Engine, Airplane Multi-engine, and Instrument Ratings on a CFI Certificate. He can administratively issue Pilot and CFI Certificates and Ratings as a Foreign Pilot Examiner, a Military Competency Examiner, a Ground Instructor Examiner and can process administrative CFI renewals. He can remove Limitations on ATP and other Certificates. Finally, he can also issue 14 CFR Part 107 Remote Pilot Certificates for pilots who hold a Part 61 Pilot Certificate with a current Flight Review.
Practical Tests are normally given at any Northern Nevada airport at no charge for travel to the airport. Howard will travel to any other USA location, and travel and other expenses can be negotiated based on location. All Practical Exams are given per the published FAA Practical Test Standards / Airman Certification Standards which can be found at: FAA_PTS
Administrative issuances are normally processed via prior exchange of required documents via Email followed by an in-person meeting for the final issuance of the Certificate or Rating. A limited subset of Administrative actions can be completed with a Virtual Meeting (Zoom) rather than the in-person meeting. Applicants should reserve 20 minutes for a typical Administrative processing issuance.
The Applicant’s CFI has determined that the Applicant meets all requirements of the Certificate or Rating and is qualified per the PTS/ACS. Thus, the Practical Test is a “Quality Control” check to verify that the Applicant can apply his or her knowledge and skills in a practical way, and fly safely per the minimum standards established in the PTS.
Applicants should reserve 5 hours for the typical Practical Test and the entire day for a CFI Initial Practical Test. A private room with Internet Access and HVAC needs to be available for the Practical Test at the location selected by the Applicant. Applicants should be well prepared and rested, and all Applicants will receive an efficient, fair and professional test. Perfection is not the standard and those Applicants that meet the Standards will receive the Temporary Airmen Certificate for the Certificate or Rating that is sought immediately at the end of the test. Applicants must be qualified per the regulations for the Certificate or Rating that it sought, and an examination of logbook and/or training records and endorsements is competed before the formal Practical Test can commence. This examination is part of the cost of the Test and is conducted after a comprehensive Pre-Test briefing and before the Test is formally commenced. Instruction by the Examiner is prohibited during the Test, but there will be a thorough debrief of strengths and weaknesses at the end of the Practical Test. After the Test is commenced, if there are mechanical difficulties with the aircraft, unexpected weather, or either the Examiner or Applicant become ill, the test may be Discontinued and resumed at a future date without penalty and without additional fee. Applicants are required to provide an Airworthy Certified aircraft for the Practical Test that has dual controls, is equipped with required operational flight instruments and navigation/radio equipment, and that has no limitations with respect to performing the tasks required by the ACS/PTS. The fee for the Practical Test may be paid by personal check, or via credit card, and if paid by credit card the fee will include a 3% transaction cost. Fees will be discussed and established during the required communication with Howard that is used to confirm the schedule for the Practical Test.
Applicants for Certificates and Ratings should be careful to comply with all aircraft Limitations found in the applicable AFM/POH. Particularly for Instrument Rating Practical Exams, candidates should be familiar with the FAA guidance with respect to the typical aircraft limitation that prohibits “flight into known icing” that can be found at: Known Icing Interpretation 1-16-2009 Other resources that may be helpful to the Applicant can be found on the Resources tab of this web site.
Applicants for a certificate or rating should complete the Applicant Information form (using either format) available on the links below, and then forward to Howard via Email ([email protected]) to schedule the desired Practical Test:
Applicant Information for the FAA Practical Exam with DPE Howard Wolvington – PDF Format
Applicant Information for the FAA Practical Exam with DPE Howard Wolvington – MS Word Format